TIL [Book Recap] The Almanack of Naval Ravikant I read this some time ago and re-read it once, writing a summary to recap things that left an impression. The book is organized into largely two parts: Wealth and Happiness. Both are great. Naval's philosophy on happiness combines stoicism and Buddhism, which resonates with me. LIFE FORMULAS
TIL Tweets from @AmuseChimp Nov 26, 2018 off, for a long while Nov 26, 2018 the mind takes the heart gives Feb 10, 2018 reading the whole book is not important, understanding what you are reading is Dec 26, 2017 at some point in history only rich people ate sugar, now only poor people
homepage Dopamine There has been a lot of confusing information about dopamine. I finally found a literature review-style article, and here is what I learned.
homepage Life is short, a reading list Reading list (to be updated) * Books * The Almanack of Naval Ravikant * Meditations - Marcus Aurelius * Four Thousand Weeks * How to Live: 27 conflicting answers - Derek Sivers * On the Shortness of Life - Seneca * Essays * Life is short - Paul Graham * The tail end - Tim Urban * Days are long
TIL Hiragana and Katakana for Chinese speakers Chinese source/root Table あ行 (A) い行 (I) う行 (U) え行 (E) お行 (O) a あ, 安 ア, 阿 i い, 以 イ, 伊 u う, 宇 ウ, 宇 e え, 衣 エ, 江 o お, 於 オ, 於 ka か, 加 カ, 加 ki き, 幾 キ, 機 ku
TIL [Book Recap] The Manager's Path Re-reading this book as a reminder of best practices of manager behavior at various levels. Here is a recap. Chapter 1. Management 101 "The secret of managing is keeping the people who hate you away from the ones who haven’t made up their minds. - Casey Stengel"
TIL [Book Recap] Meditations by Marcus Aurelius Notes from Introduction The first part of the book is an Introduction by the translator George Hay, which provides useful context. About Marcus: * "He would have claimed to be, at best, a diligent student and a very imperfect practitioner of a philosophy developed by others. As for the imperial
TIL [Book Recap] The Minimalist Entrepreneur I've been following Sahil Lavingia since 2020 because of his viral post Reflecting on My Failure to Build a Billion-Dollar Company. I am pretty excited to read this first book from him, The Minimalist Entrepreneur. The is a recap of what I learned.