Recent Progress in Neural Variational Inference
A literature survey of recent papers on Neural Variational Inference (NVI) and its application in topic modeling.
A literature survey of recent papers on Neural Variational Inference (NVI) and its application in topic modeling.
We like to think of inner peace as something self-contained, a state of mind independent of the world. But how can we even define "inner" without an "outer"? Your sense of self is constantly shaped by the external--your relationships, your environment, the way the world responds
Made this table with ChatGPT, accuracy unclear. Etude Book Etudes (Grouped by Difficulty) Total Difficulty (5–25) Bowing (1–5) Shifting (1–5) Thumb Position (1–5) Double Stops (1–5) Special Techniques (1–5) Lee Op. 31 1–10 5–7 1–2 1–2 1 1 1 11–
Prolific composer, wrote High School of Cello Playing," Opus 73, which I recently started practicing, a fascinating set of etudes. "Apparently the phrase "High School" resulted from a terminology difference due to the original language of the book, and that the original term "Hochschule"
TIL Hume's Is-Ought Problem Hume argued we can't logically move from describing what is (facts) to prescribing what ought to be (morals) without additional justification. Example: • Is: "Humans can eat meat." • Ought: "Therefore, humans should eat meat." This leap assumes a value